Hello, guys! I'm Lídice and today I will be showing you my bookish pet peeves. Now, a bookish pet peeves is something within the book world that drives you coo coo bananas crazy everytime you see it. You have yours. I have mine. We all have ours. The more I come to think about it the more I realized I have two sections of bookish pet peeves: there're the ones that have to do with the book itself and there're the ones that have to do with the story (characters, writing style, world building, etc). So with this in mind let's begin, shall we?
Physical bookish pet peeves:
i. When the English/British/Russian book cover is somewhat better than the Mexican cover.
This annoys the fu...*dolphin sound effect* out of me. Like, okay, yeah, Mexicans might not read as much as the others, right, but, for those who we actually read, WHY THE HECK WILL YOU, BOOK PUBLISHER CREATE A BAD COVER FOR US? Huh? WHY? What did we ever did to you to deserve this? We have rights, ya know? I HAVE RIGHTS! And don't you give the "do not judge a book by is cover" lecture. We have all judge a book by it's cover, okay? I know I do it all the time. So my question is, how the fu... *dolphin sound effect* do you want to encourage the reading hobbie if you don't make pretty covers for all of us? I'll tell you how: YOU WON'T. Yeah, ya heard all right. You won't. So put your priorities straight and do nice-looking covers for Mexicans readers!
ii. When very, very long book's pages are as thin as Bible pages.
Look, man, I have nothing against the Bible itself, okay? But it really, really bugs me when a publisher decides to use extremely thin pages for long-ass books. Like, man, what the Hell? I DON'T WANT THOSE THIN PAGES, YA HEARD ME? I DON'T. If I wanted to read Bible-pages I would read the Bible! You know what's the worst of all? It doesn't matter how much you try to actually take care of it, thoses pages will not help. Not. At. All. And when you've finally finished reading that huge book, oh, surprise, you find out that many (if not most) of your pages are tare apart.
iii. Dog-earing
I'll try to keep this one brief: DON'T YOU DEAR TO FUCKING DOG-EAR YOUR BOOKS, OKAY? DON'T. People out there, there's a fabulous invention called bookmarks, haven't you ever heard about them? They're a fine solution to your dog-earing problem! And what is best of all, you don't have to pay for one! You can make your own! If you're a crazy, lazy bones, fine, I'll give you one of my bookmarks, but please, PLEASE don't you dog-ear your book pages! PLEASE.
iv. When classics don't get as much publicity as every other book.
This is one of the worst, I'm tellin' ya. Classics are one of the best blessings ever known to human kind and I don't find it fear that they won't be getting the same treatment other books get. Like, okay, yeah. not a lot people reads them, so what? Are you gonna make ugly covers and never mention about their existence because of that? Are you? If you answered one if these questions with a "Er... yeah" a "Hell yes" or a "Yeah, what's the big deal, dude? I don't read them. In fact, I doubt anybody ever reads them", let me tell how very wrong you are. There is people out there who reads classics. There is. And we want nice-looking covers just like loads of publicity about the book. THEY DESERVE IT.
v. When they make an adaptation of your favorite book and is the worst.
We've all been there. That dark, pitch-black hole of happinessless where neither the moon or stars shine bright up high... it sucks. We know it. So here is my petition: People in charge of adaptions please read the book first. PLEASE. Making a movie of a book it's a huge deal (and don't get me started on T.V. series) you DO NOT want to make all thoses crazy fangirls/fanboys mad about it, now do you? If (and listen this carefully) those boys and girls who read the book are happy, EVERYBODY is happy. They are the reason why the book became a movie in the first place. If the book hadn't been read there will be no movie at all. Think, people, think! Make the fangirls and fanboys happy and I garentee you will have your second movie.
vi. When books don't have the same size
If you look at your bookshelf you'll see your books standing next to each other looking nice and neat with beautiful covers, and everything is perfectly going until you see their sizes. Differente sizes for each book. EACH BOOK. Would it be to much to ask for an international book size? Would it?
Story bookish pet peeves
vii. The love triangle
If you have already read some of my latest reviews, you should probably know how much I dislike love triangles. This usually happens in YA/NA/romance/paranormal/gothic books mainly because the author wants to add a little bit more of suspense to the story and have us readers in the edge of our seat, wondering what decision is the main character going to make: the shinny vampire or the furry werewolf? All this in the meantime she fucks one and another and plays with both guys feelings. This isnt's cool, guys. In fact, I strongly believe love triangles prove how very not-grown-up the character is. You don't get the luxury to go around and mess with two people feelings, what's wrong with you? I get that in the way with one guy the girl changes her mind and begings to like other guy. It happens, okay. But if you find out that you're having feelings for another human being, will you be kind enough to break with the guy you're currently with? That's my point of view about the female character (because admit it, is usually a girl stuck between two hot guys), however, she's not totally to blame of. I mean, what's wrong with both guys? She's having trouble deciding whether she loves you enough to be with you or not. Are you really going to accept that? You deserve a person that's madly, deeply, bondly in love with you and only you, a person that doesn't doubt between you and another guy.
viii. The girl who's pretty as fuck and doesn't know it
There's nothing wrong with self-confidence, why do people keep making a good deal about it? As long as you don't pass the narcissism thin line, it's okay. I mean, guys in books can be self-confidence but a girl can't? HA! Watch me.
ix. That characters don't go the bathroom. EVER.
This is really, really frustrating because, what's the matter with a character going to the bathroom, huh? WHAT'S THE DAMN MATTER? I mean, in their little, fictional world, they're real, right? And real people pee, am I right? And do other stuff in the bathroom, right? Right? Now, my question is, WHY THE HELL WON'T AUTHORS WRITE ABOUT THIS EVER? WHY? I'm sorry but is there something wrong with peeing? Is it? What? Don't they ever get the urge to go to the bathroom while fighting a villian? Unless they're some kind of future people that have managed to avoid this daily task, I'm not buying anything else. Have you, writer, ever thought that mayhap your super bad-ass hero wanted to pee? Have you?
x. Insta-romance
I HATE IT. There's nothing else to add. Let's continue.
xi. "Bad-ass" hero that always has a puking, arrogant face
Arrogant, mad, don't-you-dare-come-near-to-me face doesn't describe your supposedly special character as a kick-ass character, it describes him/her as a jerk. I mean, yeah, I get that he/she has a lot in his/her shoulders but please, is that face necessary? Is it? I thinck not.
And that, my beloved readers was some of my bookish pet peeves. Comment down below what bookish pet peeves do you have and why do they bother you so much. Thank you so much for reading! If you haven't subscribed yet, what are you waiting for? Go and subscribe! Keep on reading our posts cause in short I will announce a give away (courtesy of author Michael A. McLellan; by the way, his new book "In the Shadow of the Hanging Tree" is coming out January 27th so make sure to buy it; so far so good. Review coming soon!) and it's bases.
With love,